Age Requirement: May 1st will be the designated date to determine ages. Players who exceed the age of the division
before May 1st will not be eligible to participate in that division. Players who turn 19 are eligible for the 18U division if they are current academic year high school graduates. Players who have graduated may play one extra academic year after graduation in the POST GRAD division. Coaches must turn in rosters prior to playing the first game. A player may not be on two rosters in the same division. Copies of birth certificates or driver license must be made available upon request. Ejections will be dealt with by the tournament committee.
Protest Fees:$100 cash (in rule interpretation only). Protest of uniform will not be allowed. The tournament director will be responsible for team’s conformity.
Game Time: Starting time is forfeit time unless delay is created by the tournament director. Teams may start and or finish with 8 players. All pre-game warm-up should be done in the outfield or designated areas. No infield permitted. Please do not hit baseballs into chain link fences.
Time Limit: 9U-12U (1 hour 45 minutes), 13U-HS (2 hours) up to semi-final games. Tournament director reserves the right to implement lesser time limits due to inclement weather. If home team is ahead bottom half of the inning will not be played if time has expired. Ties will stand in pool play. If a bracket game ends in a tie, “California tiebreaker” will be used to break the tie. In World Series play, the California tiebreaker will be used in pool play and the game will be played to completion in bracket game.
California Tiebreaker: The last batted out will be placed on second base to start the next new inning then complete innings until the tie is broken.
Home Team: Will be determined by coin flip in pool play unless designated, and be seeding in bracket play up to the championship game. The home team will be required to keep a score book. The umpire in chief will be responsible for the official score and changes.
Run Rule: 9U-12U (8 runs after 4 innings) 15 runs after 3 innings in all tournament games. 13U-18U (8 runs after 5 innings, 10 runs after 4 innings, 15 runs after 3 innings in all tournament games.
EH Rule: Extra Hitter - Bat ten players, then EH can go into the field for any of the other nine players in the game and that player will then become the EH. The batting order does not change.
Bat Weight/Length High School bat weight/length differential rule will be in affect. 13U division -5's are allowed. In Wood Bat tournaments - bats must be wood or wood composite; no synthetics.
Courtesy Runner:: Courtesy runner for both the pitcher and the catcher may be used at any time. Courtesy runner must be someone not presently in the line-up. The same player cannot run for both in the same inning.
Metal spikes: Not allowed for age groups 12 and under.
Pitching Rules: 9U-12U (8 innings); 13U-14U (10 innings). In World Championships, innings start over in bracket play. Innings are calculated by thirds.
Inclement Weather Policy: 0 games played - 75% refund, 1 game played - 50% refund, 2 games played - no refund. If WABA cancels the tournament - 100% refund.
Coaches are responsible for their coaches, players, game personnel, and parents’ behavior. Any ejection will require a suspension. Any flagrant ejection requires multiple suspensions and will be dealt with on an individual basis. We will not lose respect for the game.
NOTE: POSTED BRACKETS ARE OFFICIAL (place and/or time subject to change)
RECORD - Example: 3-0 teams over 2-1 teams, 2-1 teams over 1-2 teams
Head to Head - Example: if two teams have the same record, goes to the team who won head to head.
Fewest runs allowed - Example: of all 3-0 teams first, all 2-1 teams second, etc.
Highest run differential Example: of all 3-0 teams first, 2-1 teams second, etc.
Coin flip - If none of the above breaks the tie, a coin flip will be used.